“Sustainable Fashion” is the exhibition opened in Tirana East Gate shopping center premises with recycled clothes, the work of students of the Textile and Fashion Department, Polytechnic University of Tirana, supported from the B4Students program. The idea for the exhibition was presented in the call for Social Clubs organized by B4Students, in support of social initiatives that, in addition to student’s professional development, also have a positive impact on the community. The theme of recycling, brought through the exhibition, directly contributes to the protection of the environment, and raises awareness about reducing the consumption of natural resources.
The exhibition opening ceremony was held in the presence of the leaders and lecturers of the Textile and Fashion Department, leaders of TEG, the B4Students program, the Pro Export association, as well as friends and other guests from the fashion industry. The 13 participating students were provided with a certificate of appreciation for the originality and creative handling of products made with recycled materials. The exhibition with 28 creations will remain open to the public until the end of October.
Head of the Textile and Fashion Department, Prof. Dr. Ermira Shehi, says that “Such initiatives are very important for students because of the message they convey. Thank you, B4Students and BALFIN Group for the contribution made to the realization of this project by the students. We wish to have other fruitful collaborations like this in the future.” While Mariola Kuçi, CEO of ACREM, which manages the shopping center, expresses her satisfaction regarding the fact that the daily work of TEG colleagues towards the environment finds an echo in the projects of young people.
Soon, another social project will be realized by the students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana on the topic “Using virtual money, are we ready?!”, with the financial support of B4Students. This project focuses on informing and raising public awareness about virtual currency. The realization of social projects for topics of interest to students and the community is the continuation of social responsibility activities, with a focus on education as a BALFIN Group priority, under the special care of the President Samir Mane.