The 11 finalist students presented their solutions on November 18th in front of the jury of the Business Challenge Competition, organized by the B4Students program, in partnership with the companies Balfin Real Estate & Hospitality and Green Coast Resort & Residences. At the end of the activity, the jury evaluated the finalists’ the presentations and distinguished 3 students with the best project proposals for the business challenge solution – How to improve the dynamism of Green Coast Resort & Residence throughout the year.

Klevis Mema, Klevis Mema, student at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Hersli Selimaj, student at Tirana Business University College and Kristjana Proko, student at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, are the 3 winners of the challenge, who according to the ranking, were offered a monetary reward, subscription to an online training course in an international platform, as well as the opportunity to attend the Professional Internship & Employment program related to their studies. In a short time, nearly 2 weeks, 218 students from different Higher Education Institutions enrolled in this competition.

In support of the preparation of the finalists, B4Students enabled all students a field study to the premises of Green Coast Resort & Residences. In the company of the colleagues from Balfin Real Estate & Hospitality, the students were closely acquainted with the construction capacities, facilities and initiatives undertaken in the resort for the facilitation of sustainable and attractive activity. During the visit, the students had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the challenge with the host, Director of Operations of Green Coast Resort & Residences, Omar AlGhazawi, an expert in the field of tourism with international experience.
In evaluating the presentations of the finalists’ solutions, 3 jury members from Balfin Real Estate & Hospitality and Green Coast Resort & Residences were involved: Satbere Hoxha, Miri Troka and Mino Angjellari. At the end of the event, the finalists were greeted by the Chief Executive Director of Balfin Real Estate & Hospitality, Ledia Telhai, who congratulated the winners for their dedication and high-quality preparation, handing to each one of them a certificate of appreciation.

Ky ësThis is the 1st edition of B4Students’ Business Challenge Competition. Through this activity, B4Students aims to contribute to the professional development of students and their integration into the labor market, providing the opportunity to test and develop their skills in business problem analysis and strategic management, in concrete circumstances.
“Participating in the competition was a fantastic experience. I faced a real business challenge and met very well-prepared students from different schools,” said Klevis, the first-place winner. “I got to know myself in another dimension and create a new experience. Qualifying in the final phase, among 218 competitors, as well as being awarded, were moments of pride” said Hersli, the second-place winner. And to Krisjana, winner of the third-place, the Business Challenge Competition “was a great experience which allows you to learn, develop skills and make new friends.”
B4Students is a program supported by BALFIN Group, introduced to the public in May of this year. Soon, B4Students will launch the next opportunity, dedicated to student clubs, which will be evaluated for grants and counseling support through project proposals for the development of social activities, with a positive impact in the community.