Application Form



    Date of Birth



    Street Name

    Email Address

    Mobile Number (Ex. +355XXXXXXXXX)

    Study Cycle:

    Study program name

    Academic Year of registration

    Higher Education Institution (HEI) name

    How Did You Hear About Us?

    If referred by Career Office or Lecturers, please write their name.

    Have you ever worked for Balfin Group and/or its Companies?

    If Yes (question 11), in which subject (business name)?

    Your English level

    Your Motivation to Apply?

    Please describe in words or through a video presentation of yourself, what drives and motivates you to be part of our big family.

    Upload Doc

    Upload CV

    Data Privacy Statement

    Balfin Group (BG) may collect and request personal information via this Google Form. You may voluntarily determine what information is submitted to this system. If you decide to provide such information, you expressly consent to the processing and transfer of your personal data, including any sensitive personal data, for all purposes in connection with recruitment, monitoring and performing analytics in support of our business processes, better supporting employee engagement and promoting diversity and equal opportunity within BG, as permitted by law. BG operates globally and therefore any data submitted will be processed and disclosed for the purposes above in any country in which we conduct business.

    Data Privacy Statement